When we talk about customers and the plants where our technology is installed. Not only do they matter, but they are often directly proportional to the prestige and challenges associated with these commissions. Creating systems for real Gigafactories means to take into consideration many aspects, since each element must be able to integrate seamlessly with […]
IMF Engineering offers complete solutions for multifunctional systems. Sometimes customers don’t need complete systems, but rather a specific machine able to perfectly integrate with their pre-existing system. If, on one hand, the variety of the offer is a strength, the flexibility and customization of our solutions is also one of the pillars of our success. […]
When we think of Germany, words such as efficiency, technology, innovation immediately come to mind. So it’s really exciting when a country with such an advanced, rigorous and demanding technological culture relies on the experience of our engineers to improve the performance of its plants. In this case, a leading German customer chose IMF Engineering […]
Although our technological solutions are now diffuse and appreciated all over the world, working for Italian clients always has a very special meaning. It makes us feel even more proud of our country and its vocation for innovation. In fact, IMF Engineering is building a new steel drum painting booth for the Italian market that […]
The news of the recent delivery of 2 ovens for the heat treatment of brake pads in the USA and the Far East is still fresh, and we can already proudly announce the delivery of another oven that will join the production cycle in the plants of an important international client. A new, strong sign […]
When we get a call from our customers, we are obviously always free and available for them… but believe us when we say that, luckily, we are always very busy! The recent delivery of 2 new lines for painting brake pads is just the latest news in recent months full of satisfaction for IMF Engineering. […]
In a market that is emerging from months of uncertainty and delicate international balances, being constantly able to announce new important agreements and goals achieved always fills us with pride and optimism. Such as the delivery of 2 new ovens for the heat treatment of brake pads, which will be installed in the plants of […]
Few sectors are in constant evolution like the automotive, a market that has now started to grow again and that has always guided innovation. And when the automotive industry accelerates towards a new trend, responding to new needs with equal speed is a must, in order to make the most of all the opportunities on […]
We have just ended the pre-test phase of our new #steeldrums painting line, tailor-made for one of the largest manufacturers in the sector, is just around the corner. A complete system, consisting of 3 #drypaintingbooths and #paintcuringovens, which uses high levels of #automation to meet the production needs of our customer. Once again, a partnership that testifies to the #trust placed in IMF Engineering, […]
Sometimes, to truly optimize a process, just looking at the process itself is not enough. What happens before the process must also be taken into consideration. That’s why our continuous search for cutting-edge solutions for wheel painting systems also focuses on the processes that precede the pre-treatment, i.e. the wheel loading system, for even more […]